How many girls? What are their ages & how are they grouped?
The age of girls ranges from 7 to 14 at time of attendance. The girls are grouped into 12 per event and all events are organized by 2-3-year age categories, meaning we’ll not pair a 7 year old with a 14 year old for an event.
Why do you charge as a non-profit? What is the cost to attend? What if I cannot afford the price?
Our charges are directly related to the cost of provision of the evening and for supporting the girls who might not otherwise attend because the event is cost-prohibitive for their situation. Our financials will be available upon request post-year closure. If cost is a barrier to you, we encourage you to complete the application and let us know you’re seeking a scholarship. Our goal is to provide at least one partial scholarship for each event.
How can parents find out what is covered / addressed?
Parents need to know what is covered in our time together with the girls. Once you’ve completed the RSVP, we send you an overview of our curriculum in more detail along with consent forms, procedural and operational questions. Because personal details may come up, we want parents to know how we respond / address those situations and how we will communicate that information back to the parents.
Is there a dress code?
The girls can come as they are. The more comfortable the better. We DO recommend leggings or shorts that they can lounge in on the floor if they so choose that seating.